Thursday, June 24, 2010

Who Brought the Throne of the Queen in Bible versus Quran, a Man or a Jinni?

Solomon and his Unique Companion

Herein is the first surprise of King Solomon to show up the Queen how powerful he is.

The Queen of Sheba is coming submitted to Solomon. A big surprise was waiting for her!

Before she came, King Solomon brought her throne from Yemen to his palace in fraction of a second!


King Solomon said, 'O members of the council, which of you will bring me her throne (from Yemen) before they come to me in submission (submissive to Allah) and seeking peace?'

a brave Efreet from among the jinn - a [jinn who is] powerful and stalwart said: I will bring it before you rise from your place (before you leave your seat of judgment, for he used to sit for judgments until noon). i.e. within few hours! Then the jinni said: Indeed I have the strength for it, that is, for carrying it, and I am trustworthy', over what it may contain of jewels and other [precious] things.

King Solom on said, 'I want something faster than that!'

The one who had knowledge of the, revealed, Scripture, a righteous man with knowledge of Allah's Greatest Name, which when invoked [in supplication] for something it is [immediately] granted - said: 'I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you, after you look at something. Then, in a fraction of a second, when King Solomon saw it standing, still, before him, he said, 'This, bringing it to me, is of my Lord's bounty, that He may try me, test me, whether I give thanks or am ungrateful, for the favor. And whoever gives thanks, gives thanks only for his own sake, because the reward for his thanks shall be his, and whoever is ungrateful, for the favor, [should know] then my Lord is surely Independent, with no need of his thanks, Generous', by being bounteous to those who are ungrateful for it.

He said, 'Disguise her throne for her - in other words, transform it such that when she sees it, it will be in an unrecognizable form - that we may see whether she will be guided, to recognizing it, or be of those who cannot be guided', to recognize when things are transformed around them. He [Solomon] sought thereby to test her mind, for it was said to have something wrong with it. Thus they transformed it by adding or taking away [certain things] and in other ways.

So when she came, it was said, to her: 'Is your throne like this?' She said, 'It as though it is the one'. She had, in fact, recognized it; but she made a pretence to them just as they made a pretence to her, given that [when she was asked about the throne] it was not said, 'Is this your throne?', for had it been so, she would have replied, 'Yes, it is'. When Solomon realized that she was perceptive and knowledgeable, he said: 'And we were given the knowledge before her and we had submitted [to God].

(And (all) that she was wont to worship) the sun (instead of Allah hindered her) Solomon stopped her; it is also said that this means: Allah stopped her; (for she came of disbelieving folk) her folk were Zoroastrians.


Surah (Chapter) 27:38-42

38] He (King Solomon) said (to his own Companion): "ye chiefs! which of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in submission (submissive to Allah)?"

39] a brave Efreet (an extremely strong jinni) among the jinn replied: 'I will bring it to you before you rise from your council; indeed I have the strength for the purpose and am trustworthy. '

40] One (of the Companion) who had knowledge of the book said: "I will bring it to thee within the twinkling of an eye!" then when (Solomon) saw it placed firmly before him, he said: "this is by the grace of my lord!- to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! and if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is (a gain) for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my lord is free of all needs, sup reme in honour!"

41] He said: alter her throne for her; we will see whether she follows the right way or is of those who do not go aright

42] So when she arrived, she was asked, "is this thy throne?" she said, "it was just like this; and knowledge was bestowed on us in advance of this, and we have submitted to Allah."

43] And he diverted her from the worship of others besides Allah: for she was (sprung) of a people that had no faith.


It is amazing that the Quran declares these facts about the power of the unique companion of King Solomon.

One of them was able to bring him the throne of the Queen from Yemen to his palace in fraction of a second. King Solomon brought her throne to examine her! On the other hand, the Bible says that it was the Queen of Sheba who examined King Solomon!


Back to the main issue of my series of articles; this is my question to you smart readers: "I s the Quran quoted from the Bible?"

By the way, the disbelieved ignorant Arabs stated that the Quran quoted from the Bible more than 1400 years ago! (Read my article about chapter 25).

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