Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How compact can be personalized vehicle? Modern Approach

However, the new crisis began to threaten motorists...

in the small in Japan simply was not room for a huge number of cars that appeared on the roads at the time of "economic miracle" 60. I had laws to limit the spread of private motor vehicles. The comparative benefits received only the owners of the small class cars with engines up to a working volume of 360 cubic meters. See (now raised the bar limit up to 660 cu. Cm).

America "slowed down" when the Arab oil-exporting countries formed in 1973, the organization of OPEC, were severely regulate the price of oil. Americans have learned what passes for gasoline and queues at petrol stations. In these circumstances, demand began to use compact cars from Europe and Japan. In the choking traffic jams cities gangsters appreciate the advantages of small insects such as Subaru 360, which they maneuvered in the stream, as if on a skateboard, leaving police with the nose.

Subsequent decades have made it clear that the problem will not go anywhere unless it is addressed. Oil reserves in the world are being depleted, the streets of cities can not expand to infinity. Who made the laws whose purpose - to encourage residents to transfer to bike or use public transport. However, the sector of personal vehicles is being developed.

«revolutionary" vehicle Sinclair C5 was not accepted by the public - in addition to blatant primitive and crowded, it proved to be unreliable. Not all of the taste and the French mikroavtomobilchiki, which is prohibited from traveling on the highway, and which are also more expensive "full" compact car.

scored in the transport cities of Southeast Asia, it is best to feel cyclists and moped riders. It is also much in vogue here rickshaws. Indian manufacturer of scooters and rickshaws Bajadj recently proposed a more modern version of their products. But under the plastic housing of contemporary design hides all the same old scooter units. Under the four Indians with load (which they love to pile up rejection) machine threatens to fall apart.

Nissan new ultra compact electric vehicle concept

In modern urban transport industry leader Japan. By the way decisions are not only the resort, local inventors! Honda offered avtomobilchik Fuya-Jo, whose dimensions are reduced due to the fact that passengers do not go sit and "polustoya." Also, the engineers of this company created a machine which rotates the cab to the chassis at 360 °, the wheel could also rotate to any angle, so it is still far to go - forward, backward or sideways. Feels like it's like flying low over the ground in a helicopter. A Toyota holds a contest of ideas. Among the nominees for this contest - Land Amuser, a sort of armor on three wheels. It is also one of the competitions was presented walking machine, which glides along the way, if a runner on roller skates.

The inventors have their place in search of a parking lot. How do you machine, standing up vertically on the rear wheels (like a cobra, right? ), And maneuvering in such a position in the cramped space? Or avtomobilchik, which can be put "on end" to the door of his house, like a kind of vestibule. The same Toyota has created a car length for parking is reduced almost by half - the body is formed in a special way. Experienced electric Citroën "running out" the rear axle to squeeze into place, the same idea used on the concept of Renault-Matra Zoom. Toyota has created a series of machines Personal Mobility, which, according to the authors, used the idea of ​​mobile phones. In general, it is a capsule, as in the movie "There will be gentle rain", but fitted with wheels. The capsules may take a vertical position, and for high-speed traffic to go almost horizontally.

Concept of compact cars

The designers of traditional cars is also not lagging behind. Franco Sbarro has created Speed ​​Twelwe, reminiscent of the first generation VW Golf, but thanks to the power unit, assembled from parts of four motorcycle engine Kawasaki, this little girl could have for the early 80's considered a real supercar, developing an impressive 320 km /h In the early '90s BMW introduced the concept of Z13, whose length does not exceed 3 m, while it is conveniently located a driver and two passengers - the driver was sitting in the center of the passengers a little back and sides. Motorcycle motor in 80 l. C. Machine clocked up to 180 km /h, the rate was limited by force. A similar arrangement was a concept Opel C-Max.

Mercedes-Benz introduced the three-wheeled Mercedes-Benz F300 Life Jet, which have been used for many years of accumulated solutions, such as a suspension with a controlled roll (tires of the vehicle have been specifically tailored work of such suspension The solutions of this concept using a serial Carver from Switzerland and other small-scale models.

Tags: automotive history, modernity, automobiles, an interesting fact, transportation, inventions

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