Wednesday, June 9, 2010

UN Iran Sanctions Deny Iran S300 Missiles and Middle East Conquest

Today the UN Security Council passed new sanctions against Iran which could possibly prevent the outbreak of Nuclear World War III and the extinction of life on earth forever.

Peace is invisible. The papers do not report, “New York wasn’t nuked today!” President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this year. When President Obama campaigned for President, he promised “Change.” Today we witnessed that change in the new UN Sanctions against Iran.

Russia sold the S300 advanced surface to air missiles to Iran, but did not deliver them yet. These S-300 surface to air missiles and the advanced S-300PMU1 missiles are so sophisticated that they can knock out airplanes and ballistic missiles at low and high altitudes. If Iran had them, it would be extremely difficult for the United States and Israel to knock out Iran’s nuclear bomb program.

Take a look at the Middle East above. The radical Muslim extremist states of Iran, Iran influenced Iraq, Syria, and Gaza surround the moderate Muslim countries of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the Gulf States and Israel. Iran already has enough enriched uranium for two nukes and is working full speed to enrich uranium to high levels and build nuclear weapons.

The dream of Ayatollah Khamenei is to conquer the Middle East and the World for Islam. Ayatollah Khamenei believes that if he can trigger the Apocalypse, then the Muslim Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi will appear and conquer the world for Islam. Once Iran has nuclear bombs they would conquer the entire Middle East the next day. Russia understands that Iran would provide nukes to the Muslim rebels in Chechnya and China understands that Ayatollah Khamenei would provide nukes to the Muslim separatist militants in Xinjiang Uyghur Region. Iran would certainly provide nuclear bombs to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Vladimir Putin is a churchgoing Russian Orthodox Christian. Prime Minister Putin knows that the Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30 commands Muslims to “Make War on the Christians, Muslims and Infidels” in return for eternal paradise, 72 virgins, 180,000 servants each and wine with no hangovers. (Sura 56, Hadith). Prime Minister Putin is not anxious to share a border with radical Muslim extremist Iran controlling all the Middle East oil and money and a nuclear arsenal because Iran’s next move for world conquest would be to attack Russia and their rich supply of oil. China would be next. In the meantime Iran would choke off the supply of oil to the United States.

President Obama promised “Change we can believe in.” Today’s UN Sanctions against Iran are the change we can believe in. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have methodically united the major powers of the world to pass today’s UN sanctio ns against Iran. China, Russia, U.K., U.S., France and Germany voted for the resolution. This could never have happened had the U.S. elected John McCain.

A mere two years ago Russia was threatening to nuke the United States by raining 100 megaton nuclear bombs which split into eight in mid-air over the North Pole into the United States of America because George Bush antagonized and frightened Russia with his useless missiles planned for the Czech Republic and Poland. How would these missiles have prevented an attack on the Green Zone? In an effort to make peace with Russia, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cancelled these missiles.

John McCain hated Prime Minister Putin and he wanted to attack Russia, which would have resulted in MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction for life on Earth. When Russia quieted down their former provinces in Georgia, John McCain and Sarah Palin wanted to attack Russia. John McCain said repeatedly during his campaign, “Whenever I think of Vladimir Putin I think of three letters, K, G and B.” Because President Obama was elected, he has made best friends with a bright man close to his age, the young Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Recently President Medvedev and President Obama agreed to a landmark nuclear arms reduction treaty. Russian President Medvedev just handed the treaty to the Russian parliament for ratification.

The UN Security Council Sanctions against Iran shows that nobody believes that Iran’s nuclear enrichment program is for peaceful purposes. Yesterday in Turkey Aayatollah Khamenei through his puppet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched into a venomous attack upon Israel and the United States of America, which Iran calls “The Great Satan.” Today Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili threatened confrontation if the UN passed the sanctions against Iran today.

He re is the wording of the UN Sanctions against Iran which will stop the delivery of the S-300 Russian surface to air missiles to Iran: “a ban on the sale to Iran of missiles and missile systems.” Iran now has no defense against an attack on their nuclear program by the United States and Israel. Hopefully now Iran will abandon their drive for nuclear weapons so that Israel and the United States, with the support of Russia, China, France and Germany will not have to take the gloves off to save the world.

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