Friday, July 23, 2010

Cheap Life Insurance Online – Are You Entitled to a Life Insurance Policy?

John Velazco

The idea of buying life insurance may perhaps have come to your mind at some point or another. Nevertheless, have you ever thought about, if you are entitled for life insurance or not. Well, the reply to this is in all probability affirmative.

All conventional life insurance policies necessitate you to provide the life insurance company some type of proof your medical fitness. This relies on the company you choose, your age and the face value of the policy you are purchasing. For policies un der £100,000 might actually involve you answering just a few health related questions on the application form. For bigger policies you might need to undergo complete health checkup involving urine and blood tests, and thorough body checkup. Any person above 50, this type of checkup is perhaps mandatory by the majority of insurance companies, irrespective of the amount of cover you buy.

There are a few instances where a person is declined a life cover by most of the companies. This is when the person is diagnosed for a life-threatening illness like cancer and other diseases, like AIDS and heart diseases are thought to be life-threatening illnesses. Every disease where life expectancy is just 12-24 months, are as well considered to be a life-threatening disease. In these cases, life insurance is perhaps not accessible. If a person has an existing ailment, in life insurance business, this is called a pre-existing condition, for instance strokes; heart attacks, r enal infection, etc. This will as well prevent a person from buying a life insurance policy. However, if previously your insurance application was turned down by one insurance company, it doesn't indicate your application would be refused by another insurance company as well. Seeking advice of an experienced life insurance agent regarding your particular condition can help you a lot.

If you are employed with a company and you have an opportunity to opt for a group insurance through an employee benefit programs this will let the buy of a set amount of life cover without undergoing medical examination or providing medical proof. Once the person ends their group insurance, typically as a result of a change in job or if you retire, the majority of benefit packages permit the life insurance part to be changed to an individual policy, without verification of your physical condition, or in simple words, no medical proof. It is an excellent means to get some form of life i nsurance even if a pre-existing condition harms an individual’s chances to buy life insurance at affordable costs by any means from regular ways.

There is one more way by which you can buy a life insurance policy. There are a few life insurance companies that provide no medical test or guaranteed to issue life insurance policies. The sum assured might be less than what might be required but there is an adequate amount of cover to pay for funeral and have some amount of cash to spare for family. However, the cost for such type of life insurance is significantly higher than that of conventional life insurance policies.

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