Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wind Generators For Home Use - What Homeowners Need to Know About Residential Wind Power

When most people think about the idea of using wind generators for home use, the image that first comes to mind are those rows and rows of giant wind turbines. And for most people, it's this image that causes them to shy away from the possibility of using wind energy themselves. Fortunately, residential wind power has come a long way in recent years. These advancements in technology have resulted in wind turbines being much smaller in size, as well as multiplying the efficiency of collecting and storing wind power. It's these improvements that have made wind power accessible and feasible to most home owners.

What You Need To Know About Wind Generators For Home Use:

1. No need for re-wiring. Many homeowners are under the impression that if they do purchase a wind generator, that they will also need to re-wire the electrical systems in their homes. This isn't the case. Wind turbine kits can easily be installed onto or near the home, and hooking up the electrical isn't difficult at all. An electrician could be use, but generally the instructions that come with the kits are sufficient enough to walk purchasers through the process.

2. Fantastic savings. A properly installed residential wind turbine can save homeowners between 50-85% in their monthly electric bills. It generally takes a few years to recoup the money spent purchasing the equipment, but after that point, you will be saving up to hundreds of dollars each month on electric expenses.

3. The dependence on wind. Wind generators for home use work great, if you have high enough daily wind speeds. Some homeowners located in areas of very little or moderate wind speeds can be disappointed by the lack of power their turbines are outputting. So it would be wise for homeowners considering investing in a residential wind generator to contact an organization like the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) a nd ask about the daily average wind speeds of their local area.

4. Proper placement of wind turbines. To be most effective, turbines or windmills need to be high off the ground (sometimes as much as 75 feet high). This is due to the fact that the higher the turbine is, the less turbulence (caused by houses, trees, and other large objects around it) will negatively affect potential wind speeds. Many residential areas (especially metropolitan locations and subdivisions) have specific laws and ordinances limiting the height that wind turbines can be built.

5. Economical options. Although purchasing wind generators for home use can run a few thousand dollars, buying one may still make financial sense for a couple of reasons. As stated earlier, the monthly savings on the electric bill can be quite significant, and these savings will eventually equal and surpass the amount of funds used to purchase the wind turbine. Also, many companies th at sell residential wind generators have financing options available that allow homeowners to pay for the total cost in monthly installments.

With the reduction in turbine size and the increased efficiency of wind power systems, wind generators for home use can be a viable option for many homeowners looking to save money on their money electric bills. Not to mention the fact that using wind power means that less fossil fuels are being consumed, and this is quite beneficial to helping the environment.

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