Sunday, July 25, 2010

Radical Results in 2010! By Tracy Phaup

Tracy A. Phaup
A common theme among most of my clients these days is a deep rooted resolve that 2010 is going to be the year where they blow the lid off past results. And I gotta tell you – I’m right there with them!

No one call tell you what your path to an extraordinary year will be, but I’m here to share with you some time honored ways to lay the foundation for Radical Results in 2010! Adopting one or more of them will help to light the fire under an extraordinary year.

M ake Silence a Regular Practice
Our society fills our days with distractions, both welcome ones and unwelcome ones, and it takes discipline and commitment to create time in our lives that is not filled with ways to numb ourselves and avoid facing the true quality of our lives. You can take a truly radical approach to this one and opt in for a retreat designed to spend several days in silent contemplation.

Pick a Guru

Any guru! But make 2010 the year you master their system. Once you’ve mastered it you can customize to make it a better fit for your life, integrate it with the practices you already know work for you or even discard it altogether, but anything and everything you’ve ever learned is waiting to be used in your tool kit for life.

You dabblers out there? This might be the one for you.

Follow a Dream

We all have dreams that we’ve put on hold for one reason or another. Want an explosive year? Pick a dream to make a reality that is sure to light the fire for you. Want to back pack through the Himalayas? Open an orphanage? Or maybe it’s time you finally started that business you’ve been talking about? Pick the one that will cause the MOST change in your life – and yes, you read that right – and make it happen! There’s a lot of power that becomes available to you when you…

Rupture the Status Quo Beyond Repair

We all want to radically alter our own status quo but not if it means upsetting the way we already have our lives set up. Can you see the contradiction there? We’ll go for radical only if we can predict and control the way we arrive there and that’s not radical at all!

Life seems to be quietly determined that we live radical lives and when we devote ourselves to the status quo we usually find radical change is being thrust at us, often years after those inklings and intuitive nudges have be en pointing us in that same direction anyway.

Breaking the status quo to the point that you can’t repair it isn’t something to be done lightly or on a whim and the feelings and needs of others need to be taken into consideration. I’m personally not a big believer in jumping off cliffs and building wings on the way down - I think there’s usually a more graceful way available if we look hard enough – but it may be time for us to say “I’m going for it anyway!”.

So, it may just be a matter of time and maybe the only real choice is between being the author of radical change and radical results or letting the years slip away – along with the opportunities – and waiting for radical to find us.

Pick a Radically Outrageous Goal

Most of us place a lot of value on being reasonable and SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) have been around for a long time. I ’m suggesting that you throw reasonable out the window and roll with unreasonable and outrageous instead – and mean it!

Tackling an unreasonable and outrageous goal with courage and conviction will demand innovation and creativity from you.

I’m committed to touching the lives of a million people this year. How? Don’t know yet, but what I do know is that none of the practices I already have in place are going to have that commitment turn out. But if I consistently insist and demand both of myself and of the Universe around me that it turns out then I’ll simply end up finding a way. If it still doesn't turn out? Then that's the Universe calling to me to...

Learn the Radical Lesson
There's a lot of noise in our lives and the lessons usually have to get pretty loud to compete. Instead of waiting for the two by four - a divorce, losing a job, the loss of someone dear - start learning the radical lesson while it's stil l a whisper.

What subtle and quiet nudges are you getting in your life? What areas of friction are quietly whispering and what radical lessons can you glean from them today?

Discover/Rediscover/Redefine Your Purpose
Want to well and truly get radical on it? Start living out of your Divine purpose. Whatever your beliefs are about the nature of our Universe and the existence of God it's undeniable that humans need a larger purpose for their lives. My belief system says that our Divine Purpose is greater than we can even possibly imagine for ourselves, no matter how radical we think our purpose is. What purpose is calling you and how can you fan the flames of it?

Dedicate Your Life to Being in Service and a Contribution

It's been my lifelong observation that the key to a miserable life is making our lives all about ourselves and making what we "get" in life more important than what we "give". Want to instantaneously turn the quality of your life on it's ear and live a radical day, moment by radical moment? Make giving the scoreboard for the day! The truly big surprise for those of you entrenched in survival and taking? It'll open the doors for brand new levels of prosperity and abundance in your life.

Try it - you'll like it!

Get Radical On It

Feeling a bit stymied about how to get radical on it? Chew on these types of radical action and ponder where you can use them in your own life and how you can customize them for a truly radical life!

1. Radically Massive (with a nod to Tony Robbins for this one ;o)
2. Radically different Approach
3. Radical Steps
4. Radical Change
6. Radically Reverse the Natural Order
8. Radically Change the Dance
9. Radically Share the Ride
Your partner in saying 'YES!' passionately - and radically - to life, Tracy Phaup.

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